Justin Bieber Weighs in on Coffee Lids
Justin Bieber took to Instagram to express his feelings about the new Tim Hortons coffee lid
It isn’t every day that coffee lids make People Magazine headlines! Or are even mentioned in the same sentence as Justin Bieber! But when Justin took issue with the new Tim Horton’s coffee lid, it made headlines.
Tim Hortons conducted extensive consumer research before switching their coffee lid last year, and in our opinion, they handled this recent attention quite gracefully. Tim Hortons soon playfully responded by sending their famous critic a sleeve of their old lids he favored. Even when a brand does everything “right” they still might not be able to thwart the resistance to change from all customers.
Through our experience in helping many brands with lid transitions, we have learned there are many things that you can do to help ready your customer base to a switch. For example, consumer testing is always a great place to start. And then adequately communicating the change and the benefits of your new lid to your customers, especially if they mark an improvement in sustainability. A perfect example of this would be the “breaking up with the double cup” campaign Dunkin’ launched this past November with their transition from foam to paper cups. After the initial adjustment period, we recommend checking in with your customers again to see how they like using the new lids and to be sure there are no issues.
If you would like to learn more about LidWorks and how you can partner with our Lid Experts to learn new ways to reinforce your brand and build loyalty with your lids contact us at info@lidworks.com or call 813-305-1475 for a free consultation.