Cold Lids
Do you currently have multiple cups from different manufacturers in many sizes in your cold beverage program?
LidWorks can help you to optimize and streamline the look of your lid line to make ordering easier and save you money. With the LidWorks 100% Lid Fit Guarantee, we will work with multiple manufacturers to fit paper, plastic or foam cups, so you are never limited to stock options. All of our lids can also be branded via embossing and printing or with color and tinting.
LidWorks’ flat and strawless lids are available in PS, rPS, PET, rPET and our 25% post-consumer recycled blend.
Flat Lids

StrawLess Lids
LidWorks has developed the most comprehensive line of StrawLess Lid Solutions. As part of our R&D process we conducted extensive consumer research to determine what your customers really want. We used that input to shape our line and to address the range of needs expressed by consumers for different situations.
Contact us to find out more about what consumers preferred.