LidWorks Coronavirus Update

March 24, 2020

Dear Customers and Stakeholders:

Since the news of the Coronavirus first broke, LidWorks’ focus has been on protecting the health and safety of our team members, families, customers, and local communities. We are also committed to operating our operation/plant following the guidelines of the World Health Organization and CDC in order to maintain business continuity for our customers.

We’ve taken precautions to provide a healthy work environment and stem the spread of COVID-19:

·         Enabling certain indirect support employees to work from home

·         Encouraging plant-related employees to stay home if sick, and to immediately leave the workplace if they develop symptoms

·         Disinfecting meeting rooms, bathrooms, breakrooms, and other common areas on enhanced frequencies

·         Meeting with and observing employees when they enter the workplace

·         Educating our employees about symptoms and following etiquettes, maintaining social distancing; installing sanitizer stations, handwash stations, and encouraging self-monitoring

·         Curtailing all non-essential travel, and non-essential visitors/vendors are prohibited from entering our facilities

Thus far, we’ve been able to maintain inventory and on-time delivery to our customers. Below are some important facts regarding our business continuity plans:

·         Our sourcing, planning, commercial, and operations teams connect daily to make sure we are not putting any customer and/or supply chain at risk

·         We have seen no interruptions to our supply chain efforts that would impact our ability to meet forecasted orders. We also recognize that the situation can change rapidly in an adverse manner. We are committed to minimizing any disruptions to the best of our abilities, and we will communicate with our stakeholders on a regular frequency

We realize your businesses may also be going through extreme challenges. If there is anything that we can do to help you, please let us know. Together, we will get through this.

As of March 23, 2020, our manufacturing facility is fully operational. The situation is very fluid, and we encourage you to visit this page for updated information.

We appreciate your continued partnership and support. Please stay safe.

Thank you.
